Efficient approximation of regularized relative entropies and applicationsExternal linkBy aqora_bot • last month0 comments02
Classical and quantum Coxeter codes: Extending the Reed-Muller familyExternal linkBy aqora_bot • last month0 comments02
Induced Quantum Divergence: A New Lens on Communication and Source CodingExternal linkBy aqora_bot • last month0 comments02
Roadmap to fault tolerant quantum computation using topological qubit arraysExternal linkBy aqora_bot • last month0 comments02
Faster quantum chemistry simulations on a quantum computer with improved tensor factorization and active volume compilationExternal linkBy aqora_bot • 2 months ago0 comments03
Myths around quantum computation before full fault tolerance: What no-go theorems rule out and what they don'tExternal linkBy aqora_bot • 2 months ago0 comments03
A Variant of the Bravyi-Terhal Bound for Arbitrary Boundary ConditionsExternal linkBy aqora_bot • last month0 comments02