Quantum-Inspired Optimization for Finance background cover

Quantum-Inspired Optimization for Finance

InfinityQ Quantum Use-Case for Qinnovision World Challenge 2025


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Quantum-Inspired Optimization for Computational Finance


This challenge invites teams to develop innovative financial applications that leverage quantum-inspired optimization techniques. The objective is to solve complex optimization problems in finance more efficiently than traditional methods by utilizing algorithms inspired by quantum computing but executable on classical hardware.

Business Problem:

The financial industry faces increasingly complex optimization challenges, such as portfolio optimization, risk management, and resource allocation, which involve processing vast amounts of data with numerous constraints. Traditional optimization algorithms often struggle with these high-dimensional, combinatorial problems, leading to suboptimal solutions and prolonged computation times. Quantum computing offers the potential to solve certain optimization problems more efficiently than classical computing. However, practical quantum computers are still in developmental stages and are not widely accessible. Quantum-inspired optimization techniques mimic quantum behaviors using classical hardware, providing a practical means to achieve enhanced computational performance today. The inspiration behind this challenge is to harness quantum-inspired optimization algorithms to revolutionize financial services by enabling faster, more accurate decision- making processes, ultimately leading to better financial outcomes and competitive advantages.

Technical Problem Statement:

Develop a financial application that employs quantum-inspired optimization techniques to address a specific complex optimization problem within the financial sector. The application should demonstrate measurable improvements in performance - such as increased computational speed, enhanced solution quality, or better scalability - compared to existing classical optimization methods. Possible focus areas include, but are not limited to:
  • Real World Portfolio Optimization: Optimize large-scale investment portfolios considering factors like risk tolerance, regulatory requirements, transaction costs, and liquidity constraints using the TitanQ Optimization platform
  • Risk Management Optimization: Use quantum-inspired optimization to improve the efficiency of stress testing and scenario analysis in risk management such as computation of Value at Risk (VaR) or Conditional Value at Risk (CVaR)
  • Credit Scoring and Loan Portfolio Optimization: Enhance credit risk assessment models and optimize loan portfolios for maximum return and minimal risk.
  • Optimization in High-Frequency Trading Strategies: Develop algorithms that optimize trade execution order flows to take advantage of statistical arbitrage opportunities on a high frequency scale.

Current Classical Approaches:

Traditional financial optimization problems are typically addressed using classical algorithms such as:
  • Linear Programming (LP) , Quadratic Programming (QP) and Mixed-Integer Programming (MIP) : Used for problems that can be expressed with linear or quadratic objective functions and constraints, with the ability to handle mixed binary integer and continuous systems.
Open Source systems for MIP, LP and QP include CVXPY (https://www.cvxpy.org/), the HIGHS solver (https://highs.dev/), GEKKO (https://gekko.readthedocs.io/) and others. Industrial and closed source systems include Gurobi (https://gurobi.com/), CPLEX (https://www.ibm.com/products/ilog-cplex-optimization-studio), FICO XPRESS (https://www.fico.com/en/products/fico-xpress-optimization) and others.
  • Heuristic and Metaheuristic Algorithms: Techniques like Genetic Algorithms, Simulated Annealing, Tabu Search, Particle Swarm Optimization, and many others provide approximate solutions but may not guarantee optimality and can be slow to converge.
These classical approaches often face limitations in terms of scalability, computational speed, and the ability to find global optima in complex, high-dimensional spaces typical of financial optimization problems. This is especially true when incorporating real world trading constraints and regulations. Part of a successful challenge submission will involve demonstration of potential improvements a quantum-inspired technique could have over the classical and available systems.

Desired Outcomes & Interested:

  • Real World Application: Develop a novel financial optimization tool or solution that leverages the TitanQ optimization framework to address a real world application. A successful submission will go beyond the standard academic problems and attempt to solve a real problem.
  • Advantage: Provide quantitative evidence of performance improvements over classical optimization methods in terms of speed, solution quality, or scalability.
  • Functioning Prototype: Deliver a working prototype that can be tested and evaluated under realistic financial conditions.
  • Scalability: Demonstration of the possibility that this solution can scale above and beyond what classical approaches currently offer.
  • Documentation: Include detailed methodology, implementation process, performance analysis, and discussion on potential industry impact.

References for further information:

  1. Herman, Dylan, et al. "A survey of quantum computing for finance." arXiv:2201.02773 (2022).
  2. Egger, Daniel J., et al. "Quantum computing for finance: State-of-the-art and future prospects." IEEE Transactions on Quantum Engineering 1 (2020): 1-24
  3. Albareti, Franco D., et al. "A structured survey of quantum computing for the financial industry." arXiv:2204.10026 (2022).