If I understand well, the quantity to optimise is the credit
C obtained which is expressed as follows. If the number of PMRQ is
N then the total cost is
βt=1Tββi=1NβcostiβPMRQi,tβΓ(1ββj=1Nβcrediti,jβPMRQj,tβ) and the credit obtained is
PMRQi,jβ is 1 is the maintenance of
i is done at time
t and 0 otherwise. The variable
credit(i,j) indicates whether the maintenance of PMRQ-i is free if we do the one of PMRQ-j.
I guess there is a small typo in the sentence "PMRQ 1 credit PMRQ 2 and 4 for a cost of 5 at period 5" where it should be a cost of 4 and not 5. We'll rewrite the description of the problem to make it a bit more friendly!