Drones Path-Planning using Quantum Computing background cover

Drones Path-Planning using Quantum Computing

THALES Quantum Use-Case for Qinnovision World Challenge 2025

Thales S.A.

Hosted by

Thales S.A.

Nguyen Xuan Bac



Data and Evaluation Protocol

Hi organizers,
The problem definition really sounds to me. However, I have concerns regarding to data and evaluation protocol.
  1. What kind of data will be used for this problem? Do you have any specific which dataset we should run the experiments on?
  2. How do the organizers evaluate our method? What criteria/metrics should be considered?
I am looking forward to hearing from you. Best,

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Posted by barbaresco

OK, I will provide a dataset (3D urban model) with initial/final position of drone. Metric will be the shortest path.

Jordan Makansi


Posted by makansij

What metrics will be used to evaluate our submission?

Julian (aqora)


Posted by julian

Hi @makansij! The score is specifically calculated as haversine_distance(start, end) / total_haversine_distance(your_solution)



Posted by RMTboy

the minimisation of the total distance, see the metric function in the file use-case.py

Alexandre Krajenbrink


Posted by kraji (edited)

@ngxbac all metrics and data have been added :) check in the code tab!

Nguyen Xuan Bac


Posted by ngxbac

Hi @kraji,
Thanks for your update. Appreciate that. I do see the submission, use_case on the code tab, but the data is recently empty. Is it expected?

Julian (aqora)


Posted by julian

Hi @ngxbac! The new use_case template should hopefully provide some help https://aqora.io/competitions/drone-path-qinnovision/code/template/blob/submission/solution.ipynb. You are given a start and end points and a list of polygons given by use_case.obstacles. You then need to calculate the shortest path and return a list of points along that path starting with the start point and ending with the end point without intersecting the polygons

Jannes Stubbemann


Posted by stubbi

@julian could you help out here?

Alexandre Krajenbrink


Posted by kraji

@barbaresco is the right person to reply to this!

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