Yacine Haddad

Yacine Haddad

Senior Researcher


Joined December 2, 2024

Karma 2

Yacine Haddad


Posted by yhaddad

Yes it is a general feature of the way the data is produced. In the current challenge we want to know how we can produce 2 jets and above. so at the end we don't evaluate the solution when jet are below 30 GeV. The KL divergence is calculated for the following bins :
pt_bins = [30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 110, 140, 180, 230]
n_jets_bins = [2, 3, 4, 5]
At the end, in your solution is it more important to model events with at least 2 jets.
Yacine Haddad


Posted by yhaddad

That's seems about right. We are should see some events that are expected to fall beyond the detection phase-space. I think it is safe to consider neglecting these events at the moment. For instance you can required to have n_jets >= 1 so you can have at least one object in the final state.
Yacine Haddad


Posted by yhaddad

The data is structured as follow, if no jet is found then then this means both jets are below 30 GeV threshold and this event can be discarded. It is possible to have this special case.
So you can basically make a selection to choose the right events to work with. For example, can do:
jets_p4  = jets_p4[jets_p4.pt>30] 
partons_p4 = partons_p4[jets_p4.pt>30]
How many events do you see that have zero's everywhere?