Marcello Benedetti, Harry Buhrman, Jordi Weggemans (Feb 14 2025).
Abstract: Consider a fixed universe of
N=2n elements and the uniform distribution over elements of some subset of size
K. Given samples from this distribution, the task of complement sampling is to provide a sample from the complementary subset. We give a simple quantum algorithm that uses only a single quantum sample -- a single copy of the uniform superposition over elements of the subset. When
K=N/2, we show that the quantum algorithm succeeds with probability
1, whereas classically
Θ(N) samples are required to succeed with bounded probability of error. This shows that in a sample-to-sample setting, quantum computation can achieve the largest possible separation over classical computation. Moreover, we show that the same bound can be lifted to prove average-case hardness. It follows that under the assumption of the existence of one-way functions, complement sampling gives provable, verifiable and NISQable quantum advantage in a sample complexity setting.