Zhiyang He, Vinod Vaikuntanathan, Adam Wills, Rachel Yun Zhang (Feb 05 2025).
Abstract: The development of quantum codes with good error correction parameters and useful sets of transversal gates is a problem of major interest in quantum error-correction. Abundant prior works have studied transversal gates which are restricted to acting on all logical qubits simultaneously. In this work, we study codes that support transversal gates which induce
addressable logical gates, i.e., the logical gates act on logical qubits of our choice. As we consider scaling to high-rate codes, the study and design of low-overhead, addressable logical operations presents an important problem for both theoretical and practical purposes. Our primary result is the construction of an explicit qubit code for which
any triple of logical qubits across one, two, or three codeblocks can be addressed with a logical
CCZ gate via a depth-one circuit of physical
CCZ gates, and whose parameters are asymptotically good, up to polylogarithmic factors. The result naturally generalizes to other gates including the
CℓZ gates for
ℓ=2. Going beyond this, we develop a formalism for constructing quantum codes with
addressable and transversal gates. Our framework, called
addressable orthogonality, encompasses the original triorthogonality framework of Bravyi and Haah (Phys. Rev. A 2012), and extends this and other frameworks to study addressable gates. We demonstrate the power of this framework with the construction of an asymptotically good qubit code for which
pre-designed, pairwise disjoint triples of logical qubits within a single codeblock may be addressed with a logical
CCZ gate via a physical depth-one circuit of
CZ and
CCZ gates. In an appendix, we show that our framework extends to addressable and transversal
T gates, up to Clifford corrections.