
Sergey Bravyi, David Gosset, Vojtech Havlicek, Louis Schatzki (Jan 23 2025).
Abstract: Characters of irreducible representations are ubiquitous in group theory. However, computing characters of some groups such as the symmetric group SnS_n is a challenging problem known to be #P\#P-hard in the worst case. Here we describe a Matrix Product State (MPS) algorithm for characters of SnS_n. The algorithm computes an MPS encoding all irreducible characters of a given permutation. It relies on a mapping from characters of SnS_n to quantum spin chains proposed by Crichigno and Prakash. We also provide a simpler derivation of this mapping. We complement this result by presenting a poly(n)poly(n) size quantum circuit that prepares the corresponding MPS, obtaining an efficient quantum algorithm for certain sampling problems based on characters of SnS_n. To assess classical hardness of these problems we present a general reduction from strong simulation (computing a given probability) to weak simulation (sampling with a small error). This reduction applies to any sampling problem with a certain granularity structure and may be of independent interest.

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