
Gregory D. Kahanamoku-Meyer, Seyoon Ragavan, Vinod Vaikuntanathan, Katherine Van Kirk (Dec 18 2024).
Abstract: We present a compact quantum circuit for factoring a large class of integers, including some whose classical hardness is expected to be equivalent to RSA (but not including RSA integers themselves). To our knowledge, it is the first polynomial-time circuit to achieve sublinear qubit count for a classically-hard factoring problem; the circuit also achieves sublinear depth and nearly linear gate count. We build on the quantum algorithm for squarefree decomposition discovered by Li, Peng, Du and Suter (Nature Scientific Reports 2012), which relies on computing the Jacobi symbol in quantum superposition. Our circuit completely factors any number NN, whose prime decomposition has distinct exponents, and finds at least one non-trivial factor if not all exponents are the same. In particular, to factor an nn-bit integer N=P2QN=P^2 Q (with PP and QQ prime, and Q<2mQ<2^m for some mm), our circuit uses O~(m)\tilde{O}(m) qubits and has depth at most O~(m+n/m)\tilde{O}(m + n/m), with O~(n)\tilde{O}(n) quantum gates. When m=Θ(na)m=\Theta(n^a) with 2/3<a<12/3 < a < 1, the space and depth are sublinear in nn, yet no known classical algorithms exploit the relatively small size of QQ to run faster than general-purpose factoring algorithms. We thus believe that factoring such numbers has potential to be the most concretely efficient classically-verifiable proof of quantumness currently known. The technical core of our contribution is a new space-efficient and parallelizable quantum algorithm to compute the Jacobi symbol of AA mod BB, in the regime where BB is classical and much larger than AA. In the context of the larger Jacobi algorithm for factoring N=P2QN = P^2Q, this reduces the overall qubit count to be roughly proportional to the length of QQ, rather than the length of NN. Finally, we note that our circuit for computing the Jacobi symbol generalizes to related problems, such as computing the GCD.

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