
Maarten Stroeks, Barbara M. Terhal (Dec 10 2024).
Abstract: We introduce the fermionic satisfiability problem, Fermionic kk-SAT: this is the problem of deciding whether there is a fermionic state in the null-space of a collection of fermionic, parity-conserving, projectors on nn fermionic modes, where each fermionic projector involves at most kk fermionic modes. We prove that this problem can be solved efficiently classically. In addition, we show that deciding whether there exists a satisfying assignment for a given fixed particle number parity can also be solved efficiently classically: this problem is a quantum-fermionic extension of asking whether a classical 2-SAT problem has a solution with a given Hamming weight parity. We also prove that deciding whether there exists a satisfying assignment for particle-number-conserving Fermionic 2-SAT for some given particle number is NP-complete. Complementary to this, we show that Fermionic 99-SAT is QMA1_1-hard.

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