
Byeongseon Go, Hyukjoon Kwon, Siheon Park, Dhrumil Patel, Mark M. Wilde (Dec 04 2024).
Abstract: Density matrix exponentiation (DME) is a quantum algorithm that processes multiple copies of a program state σ\sigma to realize the Hamiltonian evolution eiσte^{-i \sigma t}. While serving as a prototypical sample-based quantum algorithm, DME is a powerful tool for various quantum information processing tasks, such as quantum principal component analysis and Hamiltonian simulation. In this work, we present a detailed sample complexity analysis of DME and sample-based Hamiltonian simulation. In particular, we prove that the sample complexity of DME is no larger than 4t2/ε4t^2/\varepsilon, where tt is the desired evolution time and ε\varepsilon is the desired imprecision level, as quantified by the normalized diamond distance. We also establish a fundamental lower bound on the sample complexity of sample-based Hamiltonian simulation, which matches our DME sample complexity bound up to a constant multiplicative factor, thereby proving that DME is optimal for sample-based Hamiltonian simulation. Finally, we point out that the DME sample complexity analysis in Appendix A of [Kimmel et al., npj Quantum Information 3, 13 (2017)] appears to be incomplete, highlighting the need for the results presented here, given the extensive use of DME over the past decade since its original proposal.

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