QNNs for Stock Price Trend Prediction background cover

QNNs for Stock Price Trend Prediction

Develop quantum neural network models using PyTorch to predict stock price trends based on limit order book data.

Quantum Signals

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Quantum Signals


Use case file

I cant seem to find the use case file to run the example notebook

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Antoine Chauvin


Posted by antoine

Hello Matthew!
I am pleased to meet you! I am Antoine, one of Aqora's software engineers 😊
May you describe your workflow please? I am able to run the example notebook on my machine by executing these commands in a terminal:
$ aqora template quantum-signals-lob
🎉 Competition template downloaded to quantum-signals-lob
$ cd quantum-signals-lob
$ aqora test
[4362 OK] Success
Score: -3.1153113056450024
You may also run the notebook directly from the Visual Studio Code Aqora extension.
Please let us know how it goes and we will be happy to assist in any way we can.

Matthew Kendall


Posted by mattkendall

Thanks! I'm running the notebook directly on Visual studio, everything is fine when i run in terminal, - its just running the cells of the notebook



Posted by elki

Hi Matthew!
We've been working a bit with the VS Code extension. Now, you can run aqora test from a notebook by clicking the toolbar button (you might need to update the VS Code extension)! With this you don't need to load the python environment ;)
This will execute the entire project, not a the selected cell!

Julian (aqora)


Posted by julian

Hi Matthew! You may want to check that you are running the kernel inside the virtual environment in VS code. In VS code when you have the notebook open you can select the kernel in the top right. It should be labeled .venv but if its not you can click on it and Select Another Kernel... > Python Environments > .venv (it should be starred). Let me know if that helps

Antoine Chauvin


Posted by antoine

We are currently busy improving the Aqora extension for Visual Studio Code. We will let you know when we release a new version. In the mean time, I recommend you run aqora test from a terminal. Thank you for your feedback! 👍

Jannes Stubbemann


Posted by stubbi

Thanks for reaching out! We will check

Jannes Stubbemann


Posted by stubbi

Hi @mattkendall! Can you confirm it's all working for you now?

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