Variational Quantum Cloning Machine background cover

Variational Quantum Cloning Machine

Quandela | PushQuantum


Hosted by


Variational Quantum Cloning Machine

If this is your first competition on Aqora, we highly recommend you follow the H2 Groundstate Energy Tutorial to get familar with the platform and the CLI.

Downloading the template

To download the template for this use case, you can run the following command in the terminal
aqora template quandela-pushquantum-24
This will download the template into a folder called quandela-pushquantum-24.
You can then open the folder in Visual Studio Code by running the following command in the terminal
aqora lab -p quandela-pushquantum-24
This should open the folder in Visual Studio Code. If you receive a prompt, you can click on "Yes, I trust the authors".

Getting Started

You can find a template notebook in submission/solution.ipynb. Fill in your solution. You can run the notebook locally to test your solution by running the following in the terminal
aqora test
And when you are ready to submit run
aqora upload