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Solving the Advection Equation

Classiq Quantum Use-Case for Qinnovision World Challenge 2025 | Solving the Advection Equation Using Hamiltonian Simulation


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Plots window

As part of the solution, we are supposed to present the data in a graphical form. I am using matplotlib. When running aqora test, the execution shows each plot in a separate window and doesn't proceed to the next step until the plot window is closed. Is this something expected or are we supposed to use plots differently?
My concern is that if the notebook is running in an unattended mode, there won't be a user to close the plot windows and the run might get stuck.

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Julian (aqora)


Posted by julian

Hi @quantotto ! Thanks for question. I don't know how matplotlib works in a headless environment like we run the evaluator in, but I can check for you. I'll also check to see if there's a way for aqora to quiet matplotlib while running aqora test for convenience, but for right now, the easiest thing to do I guess is just to comment out or similar before running aqora test



Posted by yev

Thanks Julian! Less worried about the test, I can deal with the windows. More concerned about headless as you indicated. I guess this challenge is a bit different than usual. There is no expected output that can be measured and scored, but it is more of an open challenge and graphical presentation of the results. I assume there is going to be more reliance on human going over the notebook rather than automated tests. So, maybe it is not an issue at all. Am I correct? thank you!



Posted by yev (edited)

Hello, @julian
You mentioned you were checking if it is ok to keep for the headless execution. Do you have any update?
Much appreciated!

Jannes Stubbemann


Posted by stubbi

Thanks for reaching out! Will come back to you on this! Let me confirm, but it should be good if you once execute your whole notebook manually before running test and upload with the cli to include the plots in your submission.
Alternatively, you could also store them as pngs in your submission folder to include them into your upload



Posted by yev

Thanks! It would be very much appreciated if we could use the python plotting instead of the PNG images.
BTW I did run all the cell manually, saved the notebook and ran aqora test, but the plot windows are still popping up.
If you need a minimal reproduce notebook, let me know.



Posted by krzysztofk

Could You guide me though how to upload the images in a folder? Should I add something to the pyproject.toml file? I want to upload graphs as a backup.

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