Donchi Isaac



Error: Failed to evaluate the submission: NotImplementedError: cannot instantiate 'WindowsPath' on your system

Hello, I encountered this error message: "Failed to evaluate the submission: NotImplementedError: cannot instantiate 'WindowsPath' on your system" when submitting the tutorial work on calculating the ground state of H2. Does anyone have an idea of what is causing this issue and how to resolve it?
Thank you.

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Antoine Chauvin


Posted by antoine 15 days ago

Hello @darkmatter ! Could you please send on this topic the output when you run the command aqora info ?

Donchi Isaac


Posted by Darkmatter 12 days ago

isaac@DonIsaac MINGW64 ~/h2-groundstate-energy
$ aqora info
INFO Command
INFO Version 0.5.0
INFO Python 3.12.6 (tags/v3.12.6:a4a2d2b, Sep 6 2024, 20:11:23) [MSC v.1940 64 bit (AMD64)]
INFO Python Prefix C:\Users\isaac\h2-groundstate-energy.venv
INFO UV Path C:\Users\isaac\h2-groundstate-energy.venv\Scripts\uv.exe
INFO UV Version uv 0.4.13 (b8f9ee3b4 2024-09-19)
INFO Config C:\Users\isaac\AppData\Roaming\aqora
INFO Viewer Darkmatter AFVzZXIBjzSCDTx75YU6CsDcvy33
INFO Project . (C:\Users\isaac\h2-groundstate-energy)

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