QNNs for Stock Price Trend Prediction background cover

QNNs for Stock Price Trend Prediction

Develop quantum neural network models using PyTorch to predict stock price trends based on limit order book data.

Quantum Signals

Hosted by

Quantum Signals

Melvin Varghese



Issues with running the solution.ipynb

When I'm attempting to run the solutions notebook, VS Code throws "ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'use_case.dataset'" error. I can't seem to find any results in Google for this as well, Can someone suggest what a possible fix for this would be?

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Jannes Stubbemann


Posted by stubbi

@mtv you can't run notebooks easily in VSCode yet, and need to use aqora test from the cmd,
Does that work for you?

Jannes Stubbemann


Posted by stubbi

Oh, somehow this must has slipped through. thanks for posting!
@antoine can you take a look?

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